ShareASale is an affiliate network in the United States for small to medium size advertisers. ShareASale is the only network in the United States that does not allow affiliates to utilize desktop software to promote advertiser offers (such as browser toolbars and similar tools). ShareASale provides product data feeds via FTP to affiliates free of charge, but the advertiser has to enable feed access to affiliates manually and pay a nominal $1 activation fee per affiliate (one-time fee). The product data feed provided by ShareASale has the following format and structure:
Format: Delimited
Column Delimiter: Pipe/Vertical Bar
Row Delimited: CR + LF (Windows Line Break)
Text Qualifier: None
Header Row with Column Definition:
Columns in red color are new.
The Information for a product will be in a single line. The Line break in the example was only added for display purposes. The Download via Web Interface has the Header Row included and the (your) Affiliate ID is already encoded in the Link. The Feeds via FTP do not have the Header Row. Also the Links require the replacement of the string: YOURUSERID with the (your) ShareASale Affiliate ID.
To learn about the meaning of the columns in the feed, have a look at the Feed Definition for Merchants below.
It is very similar to the feed provided to Affiliates, because it is basically the basis for the Affiliate Datafeed.
There are three ways to access datafeeds through
1. File Download via the Website
2. FTP Download via the ShareASale FTP Server
3. Real Time XML feed for Premier Affiliates
Check out the free PHP and MySQL database automation script by Shawn "mobilebadboy" Kerr to ftp download feeds and import them into MySQL automatically on a frequent basis.
# | Name | Data Type | Max Length | Null Value Allowed | Comments |
1 | SKU | Text | 255 | No | Mandatory Unique Value |
2 | Name | Text | 255 | Yes | Product Name |
3 | URL | URL | 255 | No | Direct URL to the product |
4 | Price | Numeric | - | No | Product Price, numeric with 2 decimal places e.g. 100.99, without the currency name, code or symbol |
5 | RetailPrice | Numeric | - | Yes | "Retail" or "List" price, numeric with 2 decimal places e.g. 199.99, without the currency name, code or symbol |
6 | Full Image | URL | 255 | Yes | URL to product full size image |
7 | Thumbnail Image | URL | 255 | Yes | URL to product thumbnail image |
8 | Commission | Float | Yes | Dollar amount of product commission (do not enter in a commission percentage). This will not affect the tracking or the actual commission rewarded on the sale, and is only for a quick reference for the affiliate. | |
9 | Category | Integer | No | Product Category - see ShareASale defined category numbers below | |
10 | Subcategory | Integer | No | Numeric Product Subcategory (1-3 digits in length)- see ShareASale defined subcategory numbers below | |
11 | Description | Text | No limit | Yes | Product Description |
12 | Search Terms | Text | 255 | Yes | Comma separated list of product search terms |
13 | Status | Text | 255 | Yes | Stock Status.
14 | MerchantID | Integer | No | Your ShareASale MerchantID. You can find your Merchant ID in the top left corner of the ShareASale web interface for advertisers/merchants (login required). | |
15 | Custom1 | Text | 255 | Yes | Any extra data you would like to add and that help your affiliates. Which additional information could be useful to your affiliates depends on your niche or industry, such as product dimensions, weight, special delivery/shipping options, colors, product types, themes, styles, promotions, dates etc. |
16 | Custom2 | Text | 255 | Yes | Any extra data you would like to add. |
17 | Custom3 | Text | 255 | Yes | Any extra data you would like to add. |
18 | Custom4 | Text | 255 | Yes | Any extra data you would like to add. |
19 | Custom5 | Text | 255 | Yes | Any extra data you would like to add. |
20 | Manufacturer | Text | 255 | Yes | Name of the Product Manufacturer. |
21 | PartNumber | Text | 255 | Yes | This should be a manufacturer provided value that uniquely identifies this product. This could be a model number, part number, etc. |
22 | MerchantCategory | Text | 255 | Yes | Product Category Name |
23 | MerchantSubcategory | Text | 255 | Yes | Name of the Subcategory for the product. |
24 | ShortDescription | Text | 255 | Yes | Use for providing a short and highly descriptive product description without any HTML markup or formating. This discription is often used by affiliates for the display in product listings or in product widgets and show-case creators. |
25 | ISBN | Text | 25 | Yes | Applies to books, magazines and some other print publications only, the International Standard Book Number, short ISBN or ISBN13 (Bookland) for all publications after 1/1/2007. learn more ... |
26 | UPC | Text | 25 | Yes | Unique Product Code (UPC-A, 12 digits) used in the United States and Canada only; or better, the EAN-13 code (13 digits), which was implemented by the International Article Numbering Association (EAN) in Europe. UPC-A is a subset of EAN-13, which means that all UPC-A codes can be converted to EAN-13, but not the other way around. If neither EAN-13 or UPC-A is known, provide the shorter UPC-E (8 digits representation of UPC-A), if available. |
Art / Media / Performance Subcategories
Auto Subcategories
Books / Reading Subcategories
Business / Services Subcategories
Computer Subcategories
Electronics Subcategories
Entertainment Subcategories
Fashion Subcategories
Food / Beverage Subcategories
Gifts / Specialty Subcategories
Home / Family Subcategories
Metaphysical Subcategories
Parts / Equipment Subcategories
Personal Care Subcategories
Sports / Outdoors Subcategories
Toys / Games Subcategories
Travel Subcategories
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