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List of Keyword Research Tools and Services
Keyword research is the single most important task when you are: starting a new web project with SEO in mind; optimizing existing pages; and/or creating a paid search or PPC (pay per click) marketing campaign.
Here are a few tools and services to help you get started. List of Keyword Research Tools and Services and Competitive Intelligence resources, tools and services.
Two keyword research and analysis tutorials are provided by SEM Guides at The keyword research tutorial consists of two parts:
Part 1 explains how to develop a basic keyword strategy - including how to determine valuable keywords, find and learn about relevant keywords and customer motivation, check keyword competition and analyze keyword popularity.
Part 2 teaches you how to build an actual keyword list, including how to find base keywords and also how to find related, qualifying keywords based on your list.
Wordtracker provides, free of charge, a Keyword Research Guide. Wordtracker is one of the world's leading PPC keyword research tools. This free eBook is the result of collaboration between the renowned Internet marketers Bryan Eisenberg, B. L. Ochman, Kevin Lee, Stephen Mahaney, Ken McGaffin, John Alexander, Neil Davidson, Robin Good and Nick Usborne.
How search query niche determines the behavior of Google SERP written by Yury Bondyrev. Analyzing Google SERP with keywords from different niches. The SERP behavior is studied, determined by the frequency of queries and their niche using the tools SEODigger, SEOQuake and SerpArchive. Also see other articles to the subject at the SEOQuake website.
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List of Keyword Research Tools and Services
The phrase "The Long Tail" was coined by Chris Anderson in an October 2004 Wired magazine article to describe business and economic models. In the article, Chris Anderson describes how Internet superstars like and have built their successes, in part, on the power of choice - that is, endless choice creates endless demand.
Both and use reader referrals and links to related products to encourage consumers to explore a seemingly endless array of choices. These companies can offer a vast number of choices because they are not constrained by physical space in a book store or video shop. Further, their sales are not limited by the physical distance between the warehouse and the customer.
This now famous article evolved into a book; here is a 30-page extract: The Long Tail, as well as a very
cool promo video that is worth watching. You may also like to follow Chris' blog, Long Tail Blog, and particularly you will want to read the blog entry on Google's "long tail."
To get a better understanding of the long tail concept, read The Long Tail of Search by Michael Duz from (Also see the reference to HitTail.)
Searching the Long Tail is a presentation by Elizabeth D. Liddy from the 2006 I-School Conference.
Search Long Tail by Danny Sullivan ran in Search Engine Watch, and will give you even more information.
If you want to conduct intensive keyword research for your paid search or SEO campaign, or if you are a webmaster who monetizes a website via contextual advertising like Google AdSense or Yahoo! Publisher Program, check the extensive Keyword Research Tools and Services at |
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List of Keyword Research Tools and Services
Aaron Wall from SEO Book wrote a long article about various SEO and PPC competitive analysis and keyword research tools, comparing features of each. He points out pros and cons for each of the tools he reviewed. His article does not cover every tool, but a large number of the currently best known and most popular ones. You should check it out.
Keyword Research Tools Review Version 1.2 by Jay Stockwell from will provide even more information on researching the best keywords for your site. Jay has written a number of interesting articles to the subject, such as the concept of keyword research, the inexact science of keyword research, keyword research basics and keyword research tools reviews.
See also:
Advanced Search Term Research Tools is a summary from an SES ("Search Engine Strategies" conference) NY 2006 session moderated by Rebecca Lieb of ClickZ.
Next-Gen Keyword Research Tools by Christine Churchill posted at Search Engine Watch.
Learn more about competitive intelligence and competitor analysis resources, tools and services for organic and paid PPC search activities, traffic, keyword bidding, ranking and more. |
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