Table of Contents
See Also
If you are or want to get serious in the domain name buying and selling business, then you might want to consider attending one of the domainers conferences and tradeshows. You can find information and dates of such events at my internet marketing events calendar. |
Expired/Dropped Domain Name Research
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Logo | Description |
 | - SE Ranking and Linkpopularity Information and Trends.
 | Way Back Machine - Internet Archive. Check Website History.
Domain History Tool by - Domain History since 2002 (Requires Membership). Also offers tools like Name Server Spy, Mark Alert, Domain Auctions, Domain Monitoring, Bulk processing. API available.
 | - Deleted or Expired Domain Name Search Engine. Dropped Domains - Data Dump by Date and Top Level Domain for the last months, public at
 | - Expired Domain Research Tools and Services. Some are free, others require membership.
Domain Name City by e107 - Daily Domain Name Drop List and other tools.
VZ Tools - Expired domain name Archive, Capture Domains, Backorder Domains
Afternic - Buy and Sell premium Domain Names. The Domainers Marketplace.
 | is a free tool to research domain names that just expired (dropped). It provides useful information, such as page rank, domain age, Google and other search engine listings, DMOZ entries etc.
 | - File Downloads of Pending Delete Names (next 5 days), Expired Names SnapNames exclusive and Names in public auction. Snapnames is the the world's largest clearing house of expired and deleting domain names. Sign-up for a free account for the opportunity to Bid Early: If you bid prior to auction start and are the sole bidder, you automatically win for the listed minimum bid, keeping your selected domain name from competition. No Up-front Cost.
Need some refreshment of the Terms? Check the DNS Glossary - Explaination of Terms and Abbreviations. Domain Name Server (DNS) Terms and Abbreviations Glossary. DNS works as the yellow pages or phone books of the Internet. It tells your browser where the content for is located to retrieve it.
See also: My Domainers Glossary, including explainations of commonly used abbreviations, terms and phrases by domainers in the domain name industry.
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Windows Desktop Domain Name Tools
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Logo | Description |
Domain Name Pro - When finding the best domain names is simply not enough. Mozzle Domain Name Software
Domain Name Monitor 1.0 for Windows by Mouloud (Free Trial available)
Domain Grabber by Domain Software, LLC. uses's reseller API. Real Time monitoring of Domain Name Drops with Option to Look for specific Domain Names and grab/register them during a drop.
Domain Name Analyzer Professional by DomainPunch is a domain name generator & search software
Domain Name Filter (Freeware) by DomainPunch. A Tool to extract good domain names from large lists of domain names (no Whois check or any other features)
Legal resources and information about the UDRP (Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy) by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), issues with Trademarks registered with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office), Cybersquatting and more.
Direct File Downloads
Logo | Description |
Domain All-in-One V2.0, a free all-in-one tools for domains that does whois lookups for whois for .com .net .org .info .biz .us .uk .de .ca and .au domains and realtime availabiliy and root server checks for .com & .net domains. It also integrates the overture keyword suggestion tool and Google links and term counts. Additional features are a PPC revenue calculator, save and load options and links to additional online tools and services such as Alexa and
Pay Per Click Calculator to determine possible PPC revenue per day/month or year, based on click through rate, average cost per click and traffic figures that you specify.
Multi-Whois Checker for .COM, .NET and .ORG domains. Good for batch processing of a large list of domain names. The tool requires the mesock32.dll in either the Windows or System32 directory, which is usually C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32.
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Domain Name Research / Keyword Research
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Keywords in the Domain Name will help your rank better for the Keyword.
Logo | Description |
Domain Suggestions - Online Tool by Find a good domain name that matches a product, service, or website concept that is not already taken (pretty good).
Domain Name Analyzer (DNA) by Free Tool for Windows and MaxOS for finding the best domain name for your product or business
Domain Typo Generator generate a list of suggestion of likely human-misspellings and typos for the given domain
Keyword-Rich Domain Suggestion Tool by
 | - the domain name search engine, name suggestion, expired domain search, domains for sale search, whois lookup together in an all-in-one and free online tool.
 | - intelligent domain naming search and domain name creation
 | - Checks availability of the .com, .net and .org domain AS YOU TYPE.
Domainer Tools provided by forums for domainers. List of tools and links to great resources, about technical, legal and business related stuff to domaining.
For detailed Keyword Research visit my comprehensive collection of Keyword Research Resources, Tools and Services. There are a number of resources out there in all kinds of different varieties. The resources are often free, some have a fair price otheres are for professionals and large corporations. Du your Keyword Research well, it is the foundation of your whole SEO Campaign.
Logo | Description |
Domain Zone Processor - Windows Tool for extracting domain names from a zone file, such as the Verisign TLD-zone file program or other sources.
 | - enhanced tools for researching Registrars,Domain Names, IP Addresses and much more!
dnScoop - Domain Name Scoop: All in one Domain Check and value estimator tool (free)
Logo | Description |
ccTLD database The database with a list of all available country code top level domains on the Internet
 | provides a list of number of registered domain (count) per top level domain (TLD) and ccTLD (country code top level domain).
Special characters a reference list at
Domain Cleaner (extractor) at
Network Calculators to calculate the Subnet Mask of an IP
 | provides a comprehensive collection of free and paid networking tools
Word Lists (FTP) - for many languages and dialects, such as: afrikaans, american, aussie, chinese, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, esperanto, finnish, french, german, hindi, hungarian, italian, japanese, latin, norwegian, polish, russian, spanish, swahili, swedish, turkish and yiddish. Also available for download are english language word lists by subjects, including: Moby, computer, databases, dictionaries, literature, movieTV, music, names, net, places, random, religion and science.
Free Whois Search by
Background and History Checks (Commercial)
Connect with fellow domainers, talk about buying and selling domains and discuss related issues at Domainers Forums. Check out my list of the leading forums in this industry.
Whois IP Lookups at the individual RIR's
ARIN (American Registry): |
RIPE (European Registry): |
APNIC (Asia Pacific Registry): |
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Domain Name Portfolio Management
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Logo | Description |
Check out the list of available ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) accredited Domain Registrars and Domain Services. How about a Hosting Provider or another Site/Domain Service? Check out the new Hosting Matrix at and compare several hosting providers based on quality, pricing, support and up-time on one page with easy to use filter and sorting options.
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Parked Domain Monetization
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Logo | Description |
Sedo - Parked Domain monetization. Sedo also offers also services in the domain after market and lets webmasters buy and sell domains in a secure environment.
Sedo Pro - exclusive version of Sedo for serious domainers with larger portfolios
TrafficClub by Moniker provides monetization options for your parked domains via utilization of PPC and other advertising offers. The automatic landing page optimization and selection of ads and ad provider guarantees the maximum returns for traffic to your parked domain.
 | - Domain parking and parked domain traffic monetization service. DomainSPA will automatically check a domains history, identify main topics or industries and test effectivenes of some temporary parked pages before it finalizes the parkeing page that generates the most profit.
Domain Sponsor direct navigation, domain monetization via PPC ads
HitFarm - Professional Domain Solutions - provides portfolio holders with an easy way to earn revenue from their domain assets
TrafficZ - domain monetization (auto optimization), domain reselling and trading
SmartName domain portfolio management and parked domain monetization
ParkQuick - Pay per click domain name monetization services. Direct navigation monetization solution for your parked domain portfolio. Don't waste your domain properties without cashing in on the natural traffic received.
 | (at - majority-owned by the Direct Navigation Associates, the traffic owners co-op. Parked domain monetization for domainers who have a large enough portfolio to generate $500+ per month from their parked domains.
 | - Parked domain management and monetization services at
 | domain parking is a service for domain owners to fully maximize the monetization of their domain names properties.
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Domain Selling/Buying & Escrow
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If you want to
sell/buy a domain name and make sure that you
get paid/get the domain you paid and not being robbed of your cash or domain property, it is adviseable to use a domain escrow service to handle the transfer and payment process of the domain sale process.
Domain Name Escrow Services usually work as follows:
(1) Buyer and Seller agree to transfer terms of Escrow Service (contract),
(2) buyer pays escrow service,
(3) seller initiates transfer process of domain to escrow service (varies by registrar). Once transfer of domain to escrow service is completed,
(4) domain is being transfered to registrar of choice from buyer. When completed successfully,
(5) seller is paid by escrow service. Escrow fees can usually be deducted from payout amount of domain price or paid separately (by buyer or seller, depending on agreement).
List of Domain Escrow Services:
Logo | Description |
 | - Domain Escrow and other Escrow services. Starts at $25 for amounts < $750 then gets higher in small increments ($1000 domain sale would be $32.50 escrow fee for example)
 | - Domain Escrow Services. Fees depend of escrow amount, but are not linear. Starts at $50 for amounts up to $500, $75 for amounts between $501 and $1,000.99 etc. See site for detailed pricing chart.
SEDO - Domain Escrow Services. Fees are a straight forward and easy to calculate 10% of the escrow amount. Buyer and Seller must have a SEDO account (free) to engage in the escrow process.
Important Note and Disclaimer for all mentioned pricing information: Prices of Escrow Services are from 01/2009 and subject to change. Please visit the services website for current pricing and fees.
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Buying/Selling Entire Websites
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Selling entire websites is a bit more complicated, because it usually involves the transfer of website
source code and
database(s). If the website is small and pure static HTML, its less of a problem because it is rarely the high value item of the transaction and can simply packed with
WinZip or
WinRar and send as one file to the other party or downloaded by the buyer via free tools like
If the content is static and makes up a significant amount of money in the sales price (high quality articles for example), we are talking about the transfer of copyright from one entity to another, which is different from domain name sales or website code (which qualify as property like real estate or a physical object in contradiction to high quality content, which qualifies as
Intellectual property).
Logo | Description |
SEDO - special escrow and support service for buying and selling of entire websites, with or without the domain name.
Sitepoint Marketplace - a virtual marketplace for selling and buying of established websites and/or premium websites and other internet related content and property.
Note: does not offer services for the sale of entire websites, but you can use their escrow services anyway for the domain and the payment of the sales price and use a hosting service like, which allows the transfer of an entire hosting account to somebody else to create a temprary account.
You then upload and setup the website and hand over the login and password to the buyer who can then transfer the site to his hosting service, leave it at the hosting service that was used for the transfer or merge the account into his already existing hosting account, if he happens to have one already with the used hosting company for the transfer.
There are probably other hosting services, which offer something similar to fulfill the purpose of this exercise.
Buying/Selling Intellectual Property
Logo | Description |
 | - marketplace and support services for selling and buying interlectual property/copyright.
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Domain Name Marketing Podcasts, Magazines and more
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Print Magazines for Domainers
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