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Introduction to Internet Marketing Training and Certification / Job Opportunities
Changing Landscape
The landscape regarding education and certification changed dramatically since the middle of 2006. Before 2006 did virtually no or only a few training curriculums to internet marketing, especially to the fast growing subject of search engine marketing and optimization exist, at least none, which resulted in an industry wide accepted form of certification that could be used by the students who successfully completed the training to use with confidence for a job application.
Combined industry efforts and the shortage of skilled internet marketing professionals created a boom in new services, which offer new training courses and seminars including certification to various internet-marketing subjects. Not all certifications are accepted or acknowledged across the industry, but most of them offer at least a similar level of education, which makes 3rd party certifications almost in all cases just as good as an "official" one.
Broad Selection of Services
The offers vary in price, amount of transferred knowledge and distribution method. Self-learning courses in printed and electronic format online are as available as hands on training classes in real classrooms with real teachers and interaction with other students. In addition, the combination of virtual training online combined with interaction with real teachers and other students is in some cases an option.
Graduates Are in High Demand
The demand for graduates from the new available colleges, training programs and online classes is high and successful alumni in subjects like SEM/PPC or SEO can often choose from more than one job offer available to them. Classes are usually very affordable ranging between a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.
Further reading at my article with the title Search Engine Marketing and SEO Training and Certification.
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Internet Marketing Training, Certification and How-To's
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Internet Marketing Self Learning Kits, How-To Guides and Webcasts
- Teleseminar: Copywriting Tweaks to Maximize Your Search Engine Traffic; 2 Teleseminar Audio CDs + printed transcript ONLY (individual Price: $49)
- The Nitty-Gritty of Copywriting for Search Engines. Availability: PDF Downloads Instantly, Print Copy Ships in 24 hrs (individual Price: $49)
- How to Increase Keyword Saturation Without Destroying the Flow of Your Copy. Availability: PDF Downloads Instantly, Print Copy Ships in 24 hrs (individual Price: $39)
Total: $127, if you buy each of the 3 items individually, but only $99.00 if you decide to get the complete kit at once. That is almost 25% off; a $28 saving to be exact.
This is a real discount and not artificially created by adding freebies for a non-transparent value, because you can not buy them by itself. Each item is available as individual product at the MarketingSherpa Store for purchase.
You don't have to take my word for it and
See for yourself.
Search Marketing Now webcasts - applied intelligence. You can register for their webcasts for free. The webcasts are covering topics about search engine optimization, paid search advertising and search marketing in general.
The webcasts are sponsored by SEO and SEM companies who will get your registration information and might contact you in return for the free admission. They comp you so to speak. The webcasts are live, but will become available for on-demand access shortly afterwards. SMN is provided by Search Engine Land, the daily search marketing news blog, The Daily SearchCast search engine marketing news radio show and podcast at and Search Marketing Expo (SMX), the new search engine marketing conference and expo.
Previous webcasts sessions are available, also for free, at the
On Demand Archives. Also check out the Search Engine Marketing
Resource Library, which is sponsored by one of the leading search engine marketing service providers, iProspect.
Sign up for the Free Internet Marketing Newsletter by Marketing Experiments. Your free subscription will give you full access to two interactive web clinics per month plus bi-monthly research briefs.
20 Hard Core SEO (Training) Tips by Michael Martinez from The tips might read like a joke at first, but read the the explaination to each of the 20 tips. Those tips are a good excercise to home your SEO skills and get a better perspective on things. You don't have to do them all, but pick one or two of them and try it for yourself. You will appreciate it.
Search Engine Optimization and Search Marketing/PPC e-Seminars and Online Classes
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Learn SEO Live is a video learning program that can be watched online at your own paste. It provides also access to a customers forum, a collection of resources and tools for SEO and search engine marketing and a news rss feed. All this is available for a one-time payment of $37. No, this is NOT a recurring membership fee (even though it looks like one). You pay the $37 only once and that's it. No pressure to watch the videos and apply what you just learned in a rush to keep the membership short, because there is none.
1-on-1 SEO Coaching and Workshops by SEO Research Labs. Personal coaching from Dan Thies, a respected industry expert, author of the "Search Engine Marketing Kit".
Hands On Workshop - Search Engine Optimization & PPC Training. An educational 10-week workshop by Dan Thies from SEOResearchLabs. Cost: $1,095.00 USD
SEO Tools, Training and Certification by Bruce Clay, Inc. Since 1997. SEO training course for webmasters and SEO's. Inludes certification and 1 year free access to the professional SEO tools "SEOToolSet™".
Search Engine College offers online training courses and certifications for search engine optimizers, pay-per-click marketers and search engine marketers (includes SEO and PPC).
 | - SEO training courses. Students have the choice between instructor led courses, self study courses and annual SEM re-certification.
Search Engine Marketing Council (SEMC) by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), the search marketing resource for the direct marketing community.
Search Certification Program by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA). Two Level online training course covering organic and paid search, finished with an exam and resulting certification as search engine marketer.
SEM Scholar by David Temple, Marketing Pilgrim. online training, self study, instructor led and classroom training.
Search Engine Marketing Strategies - Listing of various search marketing online courses that are provided by JER Online. They have courses running all the time to different subjects and for individual expert levels.
SEMPO Institute - Training courses with certitification offered by the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization. Available classes include: Fundamentals of Search Marketing, Advanced Search Engine Optimization and Advanced Search Advertising.
 | provides a six week online training course in search engine marketing for $120.
 | - corporate SEM/PPC training classes, which also includes basic SEO training as well.
 | - the organization of search engine optimization professionals provides certification training in SEO "best practices" and techniques.
CII Associates Inc. - SEO and SEM/PPC training classes aimed for corporations to train their in-house staff.
Global Strategies International offers highly-customized individual and group training in search marketing and search engine optimization.
Real World, Hands-On SEO and SEM/PPC Seminars and Workshops
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 | offers SEO Workshops and a Search Engine Academy for marketers and webmasters to learn the latest search engine marketing strategies in 2, 3 or 5-day hands-on, personalized training sessions geared to meet your specific needs. There are several workshops across the United States and Canada every month. Check the Search Engine Workshop website or my free industry events calendar for dates, locations and details of workshops and academy events near you.
SEODays - Small UK SEO Event hosted by Dave Naylor,Greg Boser & Jennifer Slegg. The workshops in the United Kingdom are hosted sporadic without a fix schedule. Check out the SEO Days website for dates, locations and registration details.
SEO Class - Small SEO Workshops with Rae Hoffman, Todd Malicoat, Greg Niland and Michael Gray. The workshops only happen occasionaly and there is no fix recurring schedule. See the SEO Class website for available dates and registration information.
Elite Retreat - Small semi private (no Sponsors allowed) Search Engine Optimization and Marketing event organized by Aaron Walls from SEOBook, Jeremy Shoemaker from, Lee Dodd, Darren Rowse, Kris Jones/Pepperjam, Neil Patel and Guy Kawasaki. The event is being held multiple times per year at different locations across the country. Notifications about the exact date and location of the next event are often on very short notice. Tickets are always limited and per invitation only. Cost per Person: $5,000.
Highrankings SEO Seminars by Jill Whalen. The SEO seminars usually happen several times per year and are always booked out. See the Highrankings website for their schedule and seminar details.
Laredo Group provides single day seminars such as the "Understanding Search Engine Marketing" seminar for small groups at various locations and dates. Check the Laredo Group website for seminar schedules and training locations.
Make also sure that you check my industry events calendar for upcoming dates and location of industry tradeshows, seminars and training workshops by various presenters and organizations. You can subscribe to the calendar via Google Calendar, iCAL feed or RSS. Subscription via email is also possible. Did I mention that it is free? Well, now I did. :)
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Job Offers and Careers in Search Marketing and SEO
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If you are are looking for a job in the search marketing industry, or if you are a personnel manager and looking for SEM professionals to hire, check the career portal below which specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing jobs and careers.
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 | - Search engine marketing, SEO jobs and career opportunities for recently graduated and veteran search engine marketers. is a niche job search engine for the SEM/SEO industry.
SEO/SEM Job Openings at the Job and Careers Portal called - "Be In Control Of Your Own Destiny!". You can also find job openings in many other industry verticals at
 | the Job Board for search marketing jobs at the Clickz Network.
SEM Career Section at lists a number of open positions in search engine marketing/paid search (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO).
Revenue Magazine, the performance marketing standard print magazine offers industry job postings for the areas affiliate marketing, internet and search marketing on their website at
E-Consultancy Jobs is a RSS feed with marketing and e-commerce job postings provided by the British internet marketing studies and resource provider e-Consultancy.
Aaron Wall from SEOBook offers with SEOJobs a free outlet for SEO/SEM Job Listings in classified ads format.
Jeremy Zawodny (ex-Yahoo!) created a job board for search related job openings via the tool Hidden Network
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