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Affiliate Buyer's Guide - Affiliate Marketing "Yellow Pages" launched in 2006 at Affiliate Summit 2006 West Conference and Expo. Standard Listings are free. Did you register your business already?
AffiliateProgramBonus.com - cross-network affiliate program bonus directory, categorized by network, industry and bonus type. APB is free for both merchants and affiliates to use.
45n5 Top 100 Blogs that are about making money on the Internet. The list is maintained by the blogger Mark Wielgus who runs the site and blog 45n5.com
The Affiliate AIM, Skype and Twitter Lists by Adam Viener
Affiliate AIM List (AOL Instant Messenger) AMs and Affiliates with Name, Company and current Online Status
To Add, Remove or Update your info to the List, instant message to "affaimlist" with your request in the following format.
Add You: Please add me to the affiliate aim list. My Name is ___________ and I work for _____________
Remove You: Please remove me from the affiliate aim list. My Name is _________ and I don't want to be listed because: _____________
Update You: Please update my listing in the affiliate aim list. My Name is ____________ and I work for _____________
Affiliate Skype List - Exactly like the Affiliate AIM List, but for Skype Users.
To Add, Remove or Update your info to the List, send an email to update AT affskypelist DOT com with: your name, company name and skype id.
Afftwitlist.com The affiliate marketer Twitter list for affiliate marketers who use Twitter for short and relevant communication.
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AffMeter.com - Free Desktop Software that collects your affiliate revenue data from all of your Affiliate Networks. Pro Version shows consolidated results and more. Currently in Beta. Developed by a small privately held company in Turkey owned by Firuze Gokce and her husband.
Global Promote - URL Submissions and Website Translations
KeywordMax is a keyword research, paid campaign tracker and ROI analysis service provided by Direct Response Technologies who has years of experience in affiliate program tracking through their main product/platform DirectTrack. Services available under the KeywordMax brand are BidDirector, ROITracker, ClickAuditor and KeywordBuilder. The platform also allows the integration of conversion tracking for affiliate marketing partners. One large client who uses the service for their affiliates is the DigitalResearch OneNetwork Direct affiliate network.
Tracking 202 pay per click campaign tracking for affiliate marketers Web 2.0 style. Track your affiliate commission and ROI on a per campaign, Ad and down to the keyword level and make the most out of your marketing dollars.
AffTraq affiliate sales tracking solution is for the affiliate program owner who wants real-time sales tracking information and data on their affiliate program so that they can make essential and timely e-commerce marketing decisions that increases revenue.
AffSpy is a fast, simple, easy to use and free tool that helps affiliates find the best affiliate program offers to promote and to keep track of program changes, promotions ans more.
AFFpinions.com is a review site that was created by the well know super affiliate Ian Fernando for affiliate marketing companies where users give their opinions on tracking, support, offers, and payouts of CPA and affiliate networks to share it with other marketers.
Google AdManager is a free tool for webmasters to manage and sell available ad inventory on their websites to interested advertisers.